Winter Hours (January - March) M,T,R,F: 10AM-5:30PM, Wednesday: Closed, Saturday: 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Why Buy an E-Bike?

Reasons to Consider Buying an E-Bike

Electric bikes are taking the roads and trails by storm! Electric mobility is the next big thing! Our E-bikes offer many benefits to those who choose to take them out on the trails or the roads!

  1. You can conquer more difficult trails and go longer distances with your E-Bikes Electric Motor

Whether you are riding the Asthon to Tetonia Rails to Trails Trail or making your way through Harriman State Park, our Mokwheel and Pursuit E-bikes will help you get over that next hill so you can see views further in and higher up than you have gone before. Our Mokwheel E-Bikes have a 60-80 mile range!

  1. You can charge your E-Bike on the trail

With our MokWheel E-Bike you can use your inverter in combination with a solar panel to charge your bike in the back country or just at your RV while you’re grabbing dinner!

  1. Electric Bikes are Emission Free

These bikes are eco friendly and a great way to either recreate or commute to work.

  1. Accessibility

E-Bikes provide many people additional accessibility to biking opportunities. Whether you need the extra boost, a step through frame, or just need a little assistance getting up to speed these bikes are made for everyone! It’s also been proven that when you own an E-Bike you’ll ride more and in turn, get more exercise!

  1. Save money by riding an E-Bike!

E-Bikes are great for commuting, getting around camp, or simply that quick grocery run! With a quick charge at home, you don’t have to expend any of your hard earned cash on gas!


No matter the reason, E-Bikes are a wonderful option for getting around town and for recreating! Stop by InstaGear Outdoor Co. and learn a little more and go for a test ride!