Winter Hours (January - March) M,T,R,F: 10AM-5:30PM, Wednesday: Closed, Saturday: 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Do’s and Don’ts of Floating the Rivers of Eastern Idaho

Do’s and Don’ts of Floating the Rivers of Eastern Idaho

  • Do wear a lifejacket. It may not be stylish, but it just might save your life!
  • Do have the appropriate equipment, especially with higher water levels. While that cheap raft or tube from the local box store may suffice on a slow and shallow river, it is not safe to use them when floating anything of depth or speed. You want to be able to control your craft and get out of dangerous situations quickly. InstaGear Outdoors makes sure to provide only the highest quality rental kayaks, paddleboards, rafts, and tubes to keep you safe ( ).
  • Do carry a dry bag. Don’t be the person who ruins their phone while tubing. It’s easy: either leave it in your car or put it in the bag!
  • Do bring a water bottle. It gets hot being in the direct sun for hours on end and you don’t want to get dehydrated!
  • Do Leave No Trace!
  • Do Bring sunscreen and use it! Hats are highly recommended as well!
  • Don’t float down stretches of river you are unfamiliar with. Rivers can change rapidly and all it takes is one little stretch to get you in trouble.
  • Don’t float down rivers that are outside of your skill level. Know your capabilities and keep you and your group safe!
  • Don’t bring flip flops. The last thing you want to do is go chasing those little pieces of foam down the river!
  • Don’t bring glass or Styrofoam. Duh. Don’t do it.
  • Don’t leave trash behind.
  • Don’t drink and drive. Don’t drink in excess and float. Enjoy your day on the river but make sure everyone gets home safe.


Suggested Easter Idaho River Floats

Big Springs – Henry’s Fork of the Snake River

Buffalo River

Box Canyon – Henry’s Fork of the Snake River

Warm River (By warm River Campground)

Henry’s Fork to Ashton Reservoir – Henry’s Fork of the Snake River

Del Rio Bridge to Chester Dam

Chester Dam to Fun Farm Bridge

Warm Slough